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Making Some Lemonade

All last year, life has just thrown me lemon after lemon. Or sometimes it felt like grapefruits (which I hate). It has been one hell of a year. That I am thankful for having to go through since I learned a lot and found out what I wanted to do in my life.

So now after 4 job changes, I am making lemonade out of all of the craziness that happened. I am actually starting a career. Crazy, that at 40 I am finally doing something with my life that I really like to do. Which is also not something that most people want to do! 

I haven't forgotten about the side hustles that I want to do. It took a back burner to start studying for my test and license for my new job. Now that things are going good, I'm going to start designing some things and get it rolling. I don't want anything too crazy, but a little pocket change would be nice.

So here is to making lemonade out of lemons. Especially when the world around doesn't seem to want you to succeed at anything.....


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Escaping with Books is a community of coffee enthusiasts, book lovers, and dog lovers who share a passion for the simple things in life. I believe in growing and learning together, exploring new flavors, and discovering new books. Join me on my journey as I sip my  coffee, turn the pages of our favorite books, and cuddle with our furry friends.

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